Interesting links – also referred to as:  Check out these sites!

Below you’ll find some links that I’d like you to explore. This is an initial list that I jotted together to get the website on air. It will be updated frequently with additional interesting links. I have started with those that I have an affiliation with.

Beneficial Microbes is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with a specific area of focus: the promotion of the science of microbes beneficial to the health and wellbeing of man and animal. The journal contains original research papers and critical reviews in all areas dealing with beneficial microbes in both the small and large intestine, together with opinions, a calendar of forthcoming beneficial microbes-related events and book reviews. It has obtained a first impact factor in 2012: 1.474

My special interest: I am the Editor-in-chief of the journal.

The Beneficial Microbes Conference is the 8th in a series of conferences on the health impact and future potential of beneficial microbes. The scientific programme will focus on the beneficial impact of pre- and probiotics on human and animal health. Selected contributions given by key opinion leders in the area will be published in a special issue of the journal Beneficial Microbes.

My special interest: I am the initiator and co-organizer of this conference series.

TI Food and Nutrition is a virtual institute in The Netherlands. It is public private partnership in which knowledge institutes, companies and government collaborate. Its goal is to enhance the innovative capacity and economic strength of the food industry and to strengthen the knowledge infrastructure. It bridges the gap between fundamental academic research and company research by bringing together industry partners who collectively invest in precompetitive strategic scientific research.

My special interest: I led two projects in the past.

Gut and Bowel is a foundation and an online portal on gut and health. It was started as a Dutch portal (; see logo), but is currently expanding into multiple other languages.

My special interest: I am the VP Business Development of the foundation.

Lignofood is the acronym for the European Project “Ingredients for Food and Beverage industry from a lignocellulosic source”. The main objective of the project is to offer a competitive solution to the participating SMEs by developing a biotechnological process of production of healthy ingredients from natural resources, in this case lignocellulose from hemp shives. These healthy ingredient include xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) and xylitol.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) managed by REA-Research Executive Agency under grant agreement nº 606073.

My special interest: I am consultant for TNO on this project and take part in the project meetings.

Come back soon!